Meet Just Jen

This Journey called life...

Just Jen

Partner in crime... :)

JustJen Story

I am JustJen. Different, and unique – just like you. Strange isn’t it? How we are together in our differences? I think we are all a little more alike than we celebrate on a daily basis, and, I think you might even find you relate to some aspects in my story.
Conventional has never been my ‘way.’ This would lend itself to a measure of success in my life, and, a whole lot of change. My life journey took me away from home at a young age, and has yet to take me back again. In change, we find the things we can’t be without, leave a little of us behind, and take a little something familiar with us.  For me, the warmth and glow of candles has always been a memory closely tied to ‘home,’ and made it feel not so far away. If I’m home, a candle is burning.  To tell you how I turned that burning candle into a business, I have to tell you another story: one about a despised disease, Cancer.
Cancer has shaped my life; in the loss of both of my grandparents, Grandfather in 2001 and Grandmother in 2015. I cannot properly convey their influences on my life, but I say with certainty, they shaped the person I am today. I fought tirelessly to keep them with us, and in this pursuit, they, and specifically my grandmother, became a cornerstone of what would become JustJen Candles, and later, Organics.
Once stricken with something you think might never happen to you, priorities change, and the thoughts that flew passed your peripheral view come into focus: like what you put in, on and around your body. In the wake, you learn about the actual effects of the ‘little hazards,’ rather than the ‘supposed effects’ you might mention to a friend over Saturday coffee. At first, I found it overwhelming; is everything really making us sick? There is so much to know! To save you some time, I will give you some high level points.
Conventional wax scented candles, are, depending on brand, considered toxic. The wicks are commonly lead cored, the wax is not clean burning, the scents are full of phthalates & contaminants, the dyes can be found in your nasal passages, and those of your children. Not optimal for health, and, with increasing regularity, are referred to as “silent killers” in health reports. The skin care on drugstore shelves are chalked full of chemical cocktails with varied consequences.  Natural options really do have an effect on your health, considering the abundance of these products in our lives – everyday. I aim to make it easier to integrate these natural choices into your life, without compromise of style or personal taste.  This is my first step into natural beauty and wellness, it will be a journey; one I hope to share with you.
In closing, I must say, at the heart of it I am not an artist by trade; I just believe we all should pursue our passions in our life without hesitation, or fear. To quote my favorite actor, “You are only given one little spark of madness. You mustn’t ever lose it.” I refuse to lose it, and I hope you do too. This is my passion, and I’m just ‘mad’ enough to pursue it. I hope you enjoy my craft, and accept my invitation to take this journey with me. I hope you share your feedback freely.  Last, but not least, I hope you never let anything stop you. It’s never too late, and the only limits on your passion, or life, are those placed yourself. Enjoy every minute of your one, and only, life.
Be Well,